How do we build a culture of creatively collaborative projects and articles?
One of the great things about this story we just published ( was that it would have not been possible without the input and expertise of a lot of people in GV. It was made all the better through a pretty conscious effort to cross different areas of our organization, which I'm feeling very lucky to be part of. :)
This element -- of people who sit at the intersections of cultures, languages, and knowledge -- is one of the things that the NewsFrames Team especially wants to enable with the new software we're building (and we're working on community posts to give you an update of where we are at, we promise! the consciously cross-cultural team is kind of core to what's going to be the "NewsFrames process").
But regardless of NewsFrames, or even any piece of software, the action item for this group would be to figure out, first - do people agree that an important goal for our own sense of mission? Assuming you think 'yes' if you're part of this group, the second question is then clarifying: *why/how it is important and what are three practical ways that we could come up with to make a culture of creatively collaborative projects/articles/etc into a reality during the next two years? (or something like this)