Authors, Editors: Stop stereotyping! (or being traditional journalism)
I really got tired that everytime I read about, for example, Azerbaijan, next there is a "oil-rich country" phrase, or something like that. It seems that is difficult for journalists to get out of that kind of things. It may seems that this is not an item for an strategy meeting, but if we start collectings things like that, we may end having a good set of recommendations for change to the Newsroom. And that could be part of an editorial strategy.
Sonia Ordóñez commented
I agree and I think this is most likely to happen when the author does not know much about the country s/he is writing about. We should encourage people with real local knowledge to contribute, as opposed to having someone on the other side of the world write up a story full of cliches.
Anonymous commented
Maybe these kind of countries should be linked to other types of "accomplishments" or "features" less known to the general public