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20 results found
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment P.S. here's the logo I propose ;)
Adminjeremyclarke (Admin, Global Voices ) shared this idea ·
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment FWIW I created another "idea" for anyone who wants to vote for the simple and already-existing "Global Voices Podcast"
1 vote1 comment · Help us find a name for the new RV - digital advocacy project for women leaders · Admin →
Adminjeremyclarke (Admin, Global Voices ) shared this idea ·
3 votes0 comments · Help us find a name for the new RV - digital advocacy project for women leaders · Admin →
Adminjeremyclarke (Admin, Global Voices ) supported this idea ·
2 votes1 comment · Help us find a name for the new RV - digital advocacy project for women leaders · Admin →
Adminjeremyclarke (Admin, Global Voices ) supported this idea ·
5 votes0 comments · Help us find a name for the new RV - digital advocacy project for women leaders · Admin →
Adminjeremyclarke (Admin, Global Voices ) supported this idea ·
21 votes
Adminjeremyclarke (Admin, Global Voices ) supported this idea ·
27 votes
Adminjeremyclarke (Admin, Global Voices ) supported this idea ·
33 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment I like the straightforwardness of this solution. Maybe it's full name would be "Global Voices Journal of Citizen Media"? Luckily it looks like there is no pre-existing journal of citizen media which is convenient.
Would the URL be
Adminjeremyclarke (Admin, Global Voices ) supported this idea ·
3 votes
Adminjeremyclarke (Admin, Global Voices ) supported this idea ·
44 votes
Adminjeremyclarke (Admin, Global Voices ) supported this idea ·
0 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment For the record: I'm assuming this is referring to a technical mechanism. As far as social mechanisms go emails to the author list are the 'mechanism' by which we now do cross-regional posts. If you meant something more specific about the social process for creating cross-regional posts please start a new suggestion with a specific idea.
An error occurred while saving the comment No votes and IMHO it should stay that way. Any tool for this would be so complicated it would probably slow things down more than help them.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Aha. I made myself admin and edited this idea to make it more specific and simplified.
An error occurred while saving the comment It would be nice if these suggestions were more atomic and less inter-referential. This mentions several other proposed features that aren't necessarily related.
15 votes
Adminjeremyclarke (Admin, Global Voices ) supported this idea ·
0 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment I need to do more investigation into feeburner. It offers what seems to be the most popular rss->email service online and maybe we could automate the process of letting people sign up by email to our various feeds (i.e. if we can construct a link that automatically generates a Feedburner feed/email page we could just add that link to the category/authors header)
If anyone wants to research this please let me know what you find.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment I believe this references the ability to translate articles both FROM and TO english. This is currently working in prototype format and is being finished. It will be released at the same time as the upcomming redesign of the GV Newsroom theme which will then apply to both english and lingua sites.
Is there a way to mark suggestions as finished or something?
Adminjeremyclarke (Admin, Global Voices ) supported this idea ·
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment This suggestion is pretty useless. We need specific localization ideas to consider. I'll test out inappropriate on it :)
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment This is mega-vague.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Solana, you should create an account. pretty easy using twitter.
We could easily set up a form that lets people submit stories (like on VwV) but we'd get a lot of crap that would be hard for the editorial staff to deal with. That said, it might be a good way to make sure people understand the GV 'format' before we create accounts for them. (and we could have a form response explaining the format etc. that we send to people who submit garbage). Maybe the 'submit a story' form could be linked just above the form to email an editor, to give people a chance to show they are worth replying to?
8 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment I think this idea goes against the spirit of GV in various ways and should be avoided if possible. Our goal is to spread the news about underappreciated voices worldwide, emphasizing posts that people choose to 'like' is the opposite of this. We should be emphasizing posts that people are missing and haven't seen, not the ones that are more popular by designation.
Beyond that fundamental rift, I think a 'like' system would be very biased on GV, and people would 'like' posts they agreed with rather than well written ones. There's also a strong possibility that certain readership communities (ethnic, geographic, political) would use the feature more and create biased listings.
>I liked how the original GV podcast was not time-sensitive in the way that the topics weren't tied to current events. So maybe the new podcast could be a mix of timely news stories and general interest citizen media coverage.
That sounds great, and would make it just like the main GV site, so "Global Voices Podcast" would be a good name for it :)